SuperMap iClient JavaScript 11i(2024)

Product Overview

The main functions and services

This chapter introduces the main functions and services supported by each map base library of SuperMap iClient JavaScript 11i(2024).

Main functions and services Map base libraries
for Leaflet for OpenLayers for MapboxGL for MapLibreGL iClient Classic
SuperMap iServer
Map service
Basemap 4326 coordinate system - -
3857 coordinate system
Planar coordinate system - -
Custom scale - -
Dynamic layer - - - -
Layer overlay
Measurement service Distance measurement service
Area measurement service
Map query service Map information query
Layer information query
Bounds query
Distance query
Geometry query
SQL query
Data service
Data editing service
Data query Data gridcell query
Field query
Buffer query
Bounds query
Geometry query
SQL query
ID query
Spatial analysis services
Buffer analysis Geometry
Thiessen Polygons analysis Geometry
Overlay analysis
Surface analysis
Dynamic segmentation
Terrain curvature calculation
Math expression analysis
Kernel density analysis
Interpolation analysis Point density analysis
Inverse distance weighted analysis
Kriging analysis
Radial basis function analysis
Discrete point analysis
Mileage analysis Route calculate measure analysis
Route locator analysis
Batch analysis
Batch overlay analysis
Network analysis services
Service area analysis
Closest facilities analysis
Find location analysis
Traveler analysis
Multi-traveler analysis
Best path analysis
Traffic transfer analysis service
Traffic transfer analysis
Distributed analysis services
Density analysis Simple point density analysis
Kernel density analysis
Mesh summary analysis Mesh surface aggregation
Polygon aggregation
Single object query analysis
Regional summary analysis Grid surface summary
Polygon summary
Vector clip analysis Internal clipping
External clipping
Topology Validator
Overlay Geo
Summary Attributes
Address matching service
Address match Geocoding
Reverse geocoding
Data flow service
Data flow -
iServer thematic map
Dot density map
Rank symbol thematic map
Statistical thematic map
Matrix label thematic map
Unique thematic map
Range thematic map
Grid unique thematic map
Grid range thematic map
Server security certification
Security certificate - -
SuperMap iPortal -
iPortal web map Base map layer -
Vector map layer - -
Thematic map layer -
iPortal web map list - - -
Security certificate -
SuperMap Online - -
Online web map Base map layer - -
Vector map layer - -
Thematic map layer - -
Security certificate - -
SuperMap iManager - - - -
Node management - - - -
Security certificate - - - -
Elasticsearch -
Data retrieval -
Data aggregation -
Geo-fencing -
Client visualization
Line chart -
Bar chart -
Scatter chart -
Pie chart -
Scattered map -
Migration map -
Heat map -
Line map -
Line effect map -
Bar3D - - - -
Lines3D - - - -
Map3D - - - -
GraphGL - - - -
Honeycomb map -
OD map -
Force edge bundling map -
Migration map -
Migration timing map -
Dynamic trajectory map -
Simple line -
Line density -
Simple polygon -
Svg visualization - - - -
Scatter plot layer - - - -
Path layer - - - -
Polygon layer - - - -
Arc line layer - - - -
Hexagon layer - - - -
Model - - - -
Building 3D effect - -
Vector tile
SuperMap standard - -
MVT standard -
Client thematic map
2D client thematic map Unique thematic map -
Range thematic map -
Rank symbol thematic map -
Label thematic map -
Statistic thematic map -
3D client thematic map Unique thematic map - - - -
Range thematic map - - - -
Other visual effects
Heat map
Flashing animation -
Point aggregation
High efficiency point layer -
Dynamic plotting - - -
Client analysis - -
Spatial analysis - -
Basemap cache switch control - -
Base control
Components - - -
Basic - - - -
Advanced - - -
WMTS - -
WFS - -
Internet map -
Baidu map baidu map - -
Tianditu Latitude and longitude - -
Mercator -
SuperMap Cloud map SuperMap Cloud map -
Google map Google map -
Bing map Bing map -
OSM map OSM map -

Note: is supported,is partially supported, - is under development

Browser compatibility

This chapter introduces the compatibility of SuperMap iClient JavaScript 11i(2024) on mainstream browsers on the PC and mobile terminals.

Map base library Desktop Mobile






Haitai Browser

360 Security Browser




Android Browser

for Leaflet 26.0+ 23.0+ 7+ 12.0+ 5.0+ 5.0+ 14+ Chrome Mobile 47+ 55+ for iOS 7+ 2.2+, 3.1+, 4.0+
for OpenLayers 26.0+ 23.0+ 10.0+ 20.0+ 5.0+ 5.0+ 14+ Chrome Mobile 47+ 55+ Mobile Safari 9.0+

for iOS 9+

for MapboxGL 23.0+ 38.0+ 11 20.0+ 12 alpha+ 5.0+ 14+ Chrome Mobile 47+ 55+ Mobile Safari 9.0+

for iOS 9+

for MapLibreGL 23.0+ 38.0+ - 20.0+ 12 alpha+ 5.0+ 14+ Chrome Mobile 47+ 55+ Mobile Safari 9.0+

for iOS 9+

iClient Classic 26.0+ 23.0+ 9.0+ 20.0+ 5.0+ 5.0+ 14+ Chrome Mobile 47+ 55+ for iOS 4+ 2.1+

Note: the compatibility of Leaflet's main functions under IE(The 1.2.0 version does not support IE8 for the time being, use the 1.0.3 instead)
GIS services GIS services
(data flow)
(client thematic map)
Client analysis
Third party
IE8+ IE10+ IE9+ IE8+ IE10+ IE9+ IE9+ IE11+

Map Base Library

This chapter introduces the compatibility of the version of the map base library of SuperMap iClient JavaScript 11i(2024).

SuperMap iClient JavaScript Product Map Base Library
Leaflet OpenLayers MapboxGL v1 MapLibreGL
SuperMap iClient JavaScript 11i(2024) R2 v1.0.3 ~ v1.9.4 v4.2.0 ~ v7.5.2 v0.39.1 ~ v1.13.2 v2.4.0 ~ v4.3.2
SuperMap iClient JavaScript 11i(2024) SP1 v1.0.3 ~ v1.9.4 v4.2.0 ~ v7.5.2 v0.39.1 ~ v1.13.2 v2.4.0 ~ v4.3.2
SuperMap iClient JavaScript 11i(2024) v1.0.3 ~ v1.9.4 v4.2.0 ~ v7.5.2 v0.39.1 ~ v1.13.2 v2.4.0 ~ v4.3.2
SuperMap iClient JavaScript 11i(2023) SP2 v1.0.3 ~ v1.9.4 v4.2.0 ~ v6.14.1 v0.39.1 ~ v1.13.2 v2.4.0 ~ v3.1.0
SuperMap iClient JavaScript 11i(2023) SP1 v1.0.3 ~ v1.9.4 v4.2.0 ~ v6.14.1 v0.39.1 ~ v1.13.2 v2.4.0 ~ v3.1.0
SuperMap iClient JavaScript 11i(2023) v1.0.3 ~ v1.9.4 v4.2.0 ~ v6.14.1 v0.39.1 ~ v1.13.2 v2.4.0 ~ v3.1.0
SuperMap iClient JavaScript 11i(2022) SP1 v1.0.3 ~ v1.7.1 v4.2.0 ~ v6.14.1 v0.39.1 ~ v1.13.2 -
SuperMap iClient JavaScript 11i(2022) v1.0.3 ~ v1.7.1 v4.2.0 ~ v6.14.1 v0.39.1 ~ v1.13.2 -
SuperMap iClient JavaScript 10i(2021) SP1 v1.0.3 ~ v1.7.1 v4.2.0 ~ v6.9.0 v0.39.1 ~ v1.13.2 -
SuperMap iClient JavaScript 10i(2021) v1.0.3 ~ v1.7.1 v4.2.0 ~ v6.9.0 v0.39.1 ~ v1.13.1 -
SuperMap iClient JavaScript 10i(2020) SP3 v1.0.3 ~ v1.7.1 v4.2.0 ~ v6.4.3 v0.39.1 ~ v1.12.0 -
SuperMap iClient JavaScript 10i(2020) SP2 v1.0.3 ~ v1.7.1 v4.2.0 ~ v6.4.3 v0.39.1 ~ v1.12.0 -
SuperMap iClient JavaScript 10i(2020) SP1 v1.0.3 ~ v1.7.1 v4.2.0 ~ v6.4.3 v0.39.1 ~ v1.12.0 -
SuperMap iClient JavaScript 10i(2020) v1.0.3 ~ v1.7.1 v4.2.0 ~ v6.4.3 v0.39.1 ~ v1.12.0 -
SuperMap iClient JavaScript 10i SP1 v1.0.3 ~ v1.6.0 v4.2.0 ~ v6.1.1 v0.39.1 ~ v1.6.1 -
SuperMap iClient JavaScript 10i v1.0.3 ~ v1.5.1 v4.2.0 ~ v4.6.5 v0.39.1 ~ v1.3.1 -
SuperMap iClient JavaScript 9D(2019) SP2 v1.0.3 ~ v1.4.0 v4.2.0 ~ v4.6.5 v0.39.1 ~ v0.48.0 -
SuperMap iClient JavaScript 9D(2019) SP1 v1.0.3 ~ v1.3.1 v4.2.0 ~ v4.6.5 v0.39.1 ~ v0.48.0 -
SuperMap iClient JavaScript 9D(2019) v1.0.3 ~ v1.3.1 v4.2.0 ~ v4.6.5 v0.39.1 ~ v0.48.0 -
SuperMap iClient JavaScript 9D SP1 v1.0.3 ~ v1.2.0 v4.2.0 ~ v4.6.4 v0.39.1 ~ v0.43.0 -
SuperMap iClient JavaScript 9D v1.0.3 v4.2.0 v0.39.1 -

Note: the statistical time of map base library version information is Nov. 2024.

Third-party plugins

This chapter describes the usage of third-party plugins of SuperMap iClient JavaScript 11i(2024).

Third-party plugins Map base library Plugin version information
for Leaflet for OpenLayers for MapboxGL for MapLibreGL iClient Classic The latest version Release / latest submission time Currently used version Compatibility
Leaflet.heat - - - - v0.2.0 2016-09-30 v0.2.0
Leaflet.markercluster - - - - v1.5.3 2021-10-18 v1.5.3
Leaflet.draw - - - - v1.0.4 2018-10-25 v1.0.4
leaflet-geoman - - - - v2.14.2 2022-05-20 v2.14.2
leaflet-icon-pulse - - - - v0.1.0 2018-09-25 v0.1.0
Leaflet.D3SvgOverlay - - - - v2.2.0 2017-10-13 v2.2.0
Leaflet-MiniMap - - - - v3.6.1 2018-03-02 v3.6.1
leaflet-side-by-side - - - - v2.0.0 2018-05-14 v2.0.0
OL3-AnimatedCluster - - - - - 2018-07-04 - Not Compatible ol5/6
ol-mapbox-style - - - - v2.11.2 2018-07-26 v2.11.2
ol-echarts - - - - v4.0.0 2023-07-08 v4.0.0
mapbox-gl-draw - - - v1.4.3 2023-10-10 v1.4.3
mapbox-gl-compare - - - - v0.4.1 2023-02-15 v0.4.1
echartsLayer - - - - - 2017-12-04 -
shapefile - - - - v0.6.6 2017-09-03 v0.6.6
echarts - v5.5.0 2024-03-21 v5.5.0
mapv v2.0.62 2021-03-11 v2.0.62
turf - - - v6.5.0 2021-07-10 v6.5.0
elasticsearch - v16.7.3 2022-02-17 v16.7.3
osmbuildings-OL3 - - - v0.2.2b 2015-10-09 v0.2.2b Not Compatible ol5/6
osmbuildings-Leaflet - - - v0.2.2b 2016-03-07 v0.2.2b
d3 - - - - v7.4.4 2022-04-12 v7.4.4
d3-hexbin - - - - v0.2.2 2017-03-29 v0.2.2 - v8.5.9 2021-09-22 v5.1.3
proj4js - - - v2.11.0 2024-04-16 v2.11.0

Note: 1. Third-party plugin version information statistics in Jul. 2024

2. Some plugins did not provide the release version and release time, then its latest submission date shall prevail


This chapter describes the license agreements involved in SuperMap iClient JavaScript 11i(2024) related third-party plugins.

Third-party plugin list License
BSD-2-Clause License BSD-3-Clause License MIT License ISC License Apache License 2.0 CeCILL-B FREE


Leaflet detail

Leaflet.heat detail
Leaflet.markercluster detail
Leaflet.draw detail
leaflet-geoman detail
leaflet-icon-pulse detail
Leaflet.D3SvgOverlay detail
Leaflet-MiniMap detail
leaflet-side-by-side detail
OL3-AnimatedCluster detail
ol-mapbox-style detail
ol3-echarts detail
mapbox-gl-js v1 detail
mapbox-gl-draw detail
mapbox-gl-compare detail
echartsLayer detail
shapefile detail
maplibre-gl-js detail
echarts detail
mapv detail
turf detail
elasticsearch detail
osmbuildings detail
d3 detail
d3-hexbin detail defail
proj4js detail
  • The third-party software or technology (including open source code and public domain code) used in this Software has been legally authorized.
  • The third-party software or technology used in this Software is displayed by SuperMap in accordance with relevant regulations or agreements, in the form of the attachment of this agreement, or included in a specific folder of the Software installation package, or through the open source software page, which may be expressed in "Software License Agreement", "License Agreement", "Open Source Code License" or other forms. The aforementioned relevant agreements, documents and web pages displayed in various forms are all integral parts of this agreement, and have the same legal effect as this agreement. You shall comply with these requirements. If not, the third party or national authority may file a lawsuit, fine or take other sanctions against You, and request SuperMap to provide assistance. You should bear Your own legal obligations and responsibilities.
  • Any disputes arising from the third-party software or technology used by this Software should be resolved by the third party, SuperMap does not assume any responsibility.

How to choose

This chapter introduces how to choose the map base library of SuperMap iClient JavaScript 11i(2024).

Indicators Map base library and corresponding open source map client
for MapboxGL for Maplibre for Leaflet for OpenLayers iClient Classic
MapboxGL v1 MapLibreGL Leaflet OpenLayers 3/4/5/6 OpenLayers 2
Open source license BSD-3-Clause BSD-3-Clause BSD-2-Clause BSD-2-Clause BSD-2-Clause
Closed-source risk no no no no no
Advantage MVT vector tile
Display effect
MVT vector tile
Display effect
Lightweight ,
Rich plugins
More users ,
High stability
Disadvantages Poor scalability Poor scalability Plugin stability is uneven Heavier ,
Less plugins
Outdated framework
Performance High High Medium High Low
stability medium medium High medium High
Extendibility Poor Poor Well Better Better
Document Better ,
(Without Chinese)
Better ,
(Without Chinese)
Better ,
(Without Chinese)
Better ,
(Without Chinese)
Well ,
(Chinese API doc)
Community activity Stars 9,920 4,546 37,721 10,094 1,472
Contributors 346 419 791 333 102
Commits 10,459 10,803 7,667 32,630 7,256
Pull Requests 30 41 43 16 140
Issues 1,056 148 364 418 386
Forks 2,117 458 5,635 2,895 773
Software maturity Medium Medium High Medium General
Community ecology Well Well Well Better Better
Learning costs Medium Medium Medium High High

Note: The community activity statistics in Jul. 2024

Summary statement:

The community activity of any open source software product determines the maturity, vitality, future prospects and other characteristics of the product. It also determines whether or not to establish a R & D - application - service ecosystem.

  • MapboxGL v1 launched later than the previous two map libraries,community activity in general. Its scalability is poor, but it supports 3D features and better visualization,native support for MVT vector preliminary, good performance
  • Leaflet map libraries are lightweight, feature rich plugins, and have a high degree of community activity, and it is better in stability and scalability.
  • The Openlayers 3/4/5/6 map library is heavyweighted, with a moderate level of community activity, but with better expansibility and scalability and support for HTML5 features.
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