Cloud GIS Web Client Development Platform

Free, open-source, extensible

SuperMap iClient JavaScript 11i(2024) a cloud GIS web client development

Map Base Library more

GIS Client Application Development Tool based on Leaflet

GIS Client Application Development Tool based on OpenLayers

GIS Client Application Development Tool based on MapboxGL v1

GIS Client Application Development Tool based on MapLibreGL

GIS Client Application Development Tool based on SuperMap iClient 8C

GIS Client Development Tool based on Cesium and oriented at HTML5

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Vue component library based on MapboxGL v1

Vue component library based on Leaflet

React component library based on MapboxGL v1

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Support visualization of big data analysis results of SuperMap iServer

Support real-time data service visualization of SuperMap iServer

Supports visualization of time series data stored in Elasticsearch

Support millions of location data visualization

Support Mapbox Vector Tile (MVT) vector tile specification

Intuitive and flexible dynamic plotting, support 7 classic animation situation deduction

Support ECharts chart and geographic visualization capabilities

Support EChartsGL's geographic visualization capabilities

Support MapV's geographic visualization capabilities

Support Uber Deck.GL's geographic visualization capabilities

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Modern WebGIS

Completely rebuilt based on H5, WebGL, WebSocket, ES6, RequireJS, npm and other modern web technologies. Supports componentized frameworks Vue, React and native H5 development.

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Easier to Use

Unify service access and security authentication interfaces of SuperMap iServer, iEdge, iPortal, iManager, Online services to provide users with a simpler and more easy-to-use API and more features

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Important: Starting from version 11i (2024) (v11.2.0), the npm repository under @supermap has been adjusted to @supermapgis . It is recommended that developers upgrade and use the new repository address.