new ol.supermap.Util()
Util.js, line 6
static createCanvasContext2D(opt_width, opt_height)
Util.js, line 237 -
Create a CanvasContext2D.
Name Type Description opt_width
number Width of the canvas.
number Height of the canvas.
static Csv2GeoJSON(csv, options)
Util.js, line 152 -
Transform csv to GeoJSON.
Name Type Description csv
Object The object of csv.
Object The parameters of the transform.
static isArray(obj){boolean}
Util.js, line 142 -
Determine whether it is an array.
Name Type Description obj
Object The object to be determined.
Type Description boolean Whether it is an array. -
static resolutionToScale(resolution, dpi, mapUnit){number}
Util.js, line 42 -
Compute scale by the resolution.
Name Type Description resolution
number The resolution.
number The resolution of screen.
string The unit of the map.
Type Description number The scale. -
static scaleToResolution(scale, dpi, mapUnit){number}
Util.js, line 99 -
Compute resolution by the scale.
Name Type Description scale
number The scale.
number The resolution of screen.
string The unit of the map.
Type Description number The resolution. -
static supportWebGL2()
Util.js, line 253 -
Whether to support webgl2.
static toGeoJSON(smObj)
Util.js, line 17 -
Transform the passed object to GeoJSON.
Name Type Description smObj
Object The object to be passed.
static toProcessingParam(points)
Util.js, line 74 -
Transform the array of nodes about the region to the processing analysis service parameters.
Name Type Description points
Array The array of nodes about region.
The processing service cut、the query analysis and the parameters of the analysis. -
static toSuperMapBounds(bounds){SuperMap.Bounds}
Util.js, line 59 -
Turn into SuperMapBounds.
Name Type Description bounds
Array.<number> An array of bounds.
Type Description SuperMap.Bounds Return SuperMapBounds. -
static toSuperMapGeometry(geoJSON)
Util.js, line 29 -
Transform the geoJSON to SuperMap geomotry.
Name Type Description geoJSON
GeoJSONObject The object of geoJSON.